
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Magic of Christmas - Dedicated to My Son

  It's been almost 10 years since I celebrated Christmas with my son and his two girls. I dedicate this blog to my little family.  The Magic of Christmas Our only tree was in the hotel. In a cozy alcove adjacent to the lobby, complete with a loveseat and  over-stuffed chairs, we settled in for some holiday cheer. Our dimly lit space was lighted only by the  glowing lights of a tastefully decorated Christmas tree. A cinnamon aroma filled the air, a bowl of fresh  fruit and refreshments completed the scene. The little hotel had captured the ambiance of the holidays.  The grandchildren opened their presents, squealing with delight as they proudly showed us their gifts. My son and I were embraced in their happiness. The feeling of gratitude was overwhelming as I brushed  back the tears of joy.    My son and I live in two different cities, my grandchildren are located across the state line in small town  in Indiana. Living in three different locations can be very challenging at special

My Vegas Trip & Champagne Cocktails

Once again, I have fallen behind in my blogging. So much has happened since my last post. Let's start with my Las Vegas trip! I flew out of Columbus, OH on December 13th and returned on December 21st. I stayed with my soulmate, Harry. Even though we are more than 2000 miles apart, our hearts are still connected. 💞   We had a great time together, exchanging gifts after a special holiday meal at home, dined at Lawry's, attended a holiday gathering of friends, visited the Bellagio's festive atrium display, and watched our traditional Christmas movies.   Bellagio Conservatory and Botanical Garden   Of course, I spent time with a small group of friends too, playing Canasta and going out for a great lunch at "Sickies Garage" in Town Square. Sickies Garage is a new, fun place to visit. Their extensive menu is sure to please! Visit the website for more info:   Sickies Garage    Upon returning to Columbus, I signed a lease for my new apartment! My official move-in

What Men Really Want & Fragrance Tips for Women

Men want food and sex, and often in that order. Surprised? We see this quite frequently, but seldom link the two. You're watching a scene in a movie where the couple is having a celebratory dinner at home. The room is filled with romantic music, dimly lit, tapered candles sitting mid-table cast a soft glow upon their perfect faces. He pours the wine, kisses her on the forehead and takes his seat. They toast each other with loving eyes that lock together as they murmur sweet nothings. The very next scene is typically the couple engaging in sex. He swoops her into his arms and they disappear behind the bedroom for part two.   One evening while I was watching a weekly series of "Midsomer Murders", I saw a fine display of how food and sex intertwine. A widowed mother of a teenage daughter made a living by entertaining men in her kitchen. The kitchen's atmosphere was very relaxing and cozy. There in the kitchen, a well-groomed, respectful women was dressed in a cashmere sw